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Louis & Hogla Tyler

Louis & hogla Tyler

Louis Ray Tyler was born in Hondo, Texas, in 1947. He attended Victoria High School in Victoria, Texas, where he graduated in 1965. He attended Lamar University in Beaumont, TX, where he studied Spanish and music. He graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 1970, where he studied education, Spanish, English, and German. He attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX, graduating with MDiv in 1974.

Louis married the former Hogla Castillo in 1973. They have two daughters, Tirzah Tyler, b. 1976, and Tamara Tyler Conn, b. 1979. Tamara is married and has three children.

In 1981 Louis completed an MA at UT Austin in Hebrew, with a Greek minor. In 1988 he completed a Ph.D. at UT Austin in Hebrew and Aramaic.

Louis has pastored Spanish churches for 20 years in Texas. He has also taught at Criswell College in Dallas and Odessa High School in Odessa, TX. Since 2007 Louis has taught Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, and Poetic Books at the Río Grande Bible College.

Louis’s publications include Gramática del Arameo Bíblico and El Nuevo Testamento según el Texto Bizantinoi. Both are published at Editorial Río Grande. He has also self-published audio Bibles in Hebrew and Greek.