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Paraton – Marzo 2023


Únete al Paratón que realizaremos el 15 de marzo a las 09:00 AM

La idea es conseguir la mayor cantidad de personas que quieran apoyar para que por cada milla recorrida se comprometan a apoyar con la cantidad que ellos quieran (desde 1 dólar en adelante) para servir y alcanzar a una etnia no alcanzada.

Las dos formas en que puedes apoyar:

  1. Apoyando Económicamente (dar)
  2. Haz clic en este link:
    Para dar la cantidad que quieras donar. Este dinero específicamente se levanta para servir a refugiados en la diaspora.
  3. Puedes ser patrocinador personal de alguien que corre. (Buscar a alguien y comprometerte a dar la cantidad de dinero que tú quieras ofrendar por cada milla recorrida por el corredor.)
  4. Patrocinar el evento completo (Se contará el total de millas recorridas en el evento por todos los participantes.)
    – Bronce – 1 Dólar por cada milla cumplida de todos los participantes.
    – Plata – 5 Dólares por cada milla cumplida de todos los participantes.
    – Oro – 10 Dólares por cada milla cumplida de todos los participantes.
  1. Para participar en el evento corriendo debes:
  2. Formar un equipo de corredores y un equipo de patrocinadores que apoyen económicamente el paratón por cada milla que corran los corredores.
  3. Registrarte en el siguiente link:
  4. En el día del evento (15 de Marzo) dar tu mayor esfuerzo y correr el mayor número de millas que puedas.

¡Te esperamos!

¿Do you want to be part of the great commission uniquely?

Join Paraton! We will live stream our run on March 15- 09:00 AM.

The idea is to get the largest number of people possible to support (the goal is to reach 10 sponsors) so that for each mile traveled they pledge to support with the amount they choose (from 1 dollar onwards) to serve and reach refugees of an unreached people group.

If you are on the Rio Grande Biblical Seminary campus, you can run or support. If you are not on campus, you can also run and use the hashtags in your post or livestream: #Paraton #CorrePorUnPuebloNoAlcanzado

The two ways you can support:

1. Financially Supporting

a. Click on this link: To give the amount you want to donate. This money is specifically raised to serve and reach refugees in the diaspora.

b. You can be a personal sponsor of someone who runs. (Find someone and commit to give the amount of money you want to give for each mile completed by the runner)

c. Sponsor the entire event (The total miles traveled in the event by all participants will be counted.)

– Bronze – 1 Dollar for each mile completed by all participants.

– Silver – 5 Dollars for each mile completed by all participants.

– Gold – 10 Dollars for each mile completed by all participants.

2. To participate by running to raise awareness and mobilize support you need to:

– Create a post with the hashtags #Paraton #CorrePorUnPuebloNoAlcanzado to announce that you are going to participate in our event.

– The second step is to find 10 people (the goal is 10, but invite and challenge all you can!) to make your team that will financially support the Paratón for every mile you run.

– On the day of the event (March 15) you must make a livestream of your race or a post with the photo of the route taken with the number of miles you complete at the time of the event that will begin at 09:00 AM (Central Time ).

We wait for you!