Prayer Calendar March 2025
Sat 1 Continue praying for President Larry Windle (MLS’97) as he leads Rio Grande Ministries. Ask God’s direction as he oversees many aspects of the organization and teaches in the Bible College.
Numbers 23-25
Sun 2 Pray today for Ruth Windle (MLS’97). Besides assisting Larry, she also participates in many other areas of Rio Grande, including music, the library, and with accreditation matters.
Numbers 26-27
Mon 3 Crystal Hardin is a music teacher here at Rio Grande. She will appreciate your prayers as she seeks to help our students improve their musical abilities, with the goal of honoring the Lord.
Numbers 28-30
Tue 4 Brenda Matthews (MLS’85) serves the Lord at a local church in Baja California, Mexico. Pray for her as she leads women’s ministries as well as other activities. This year is her 40th in the Lord’s service in Latin America.
Numbers 31-33
Wed 5 RGBM staff members Keith (MLS’76) and Olivia (SB’96) Heppner will appreciate prayer. Keith is the VP of Information and Technology and the Designated School Official for student immigration matters. Pray for him in these responsibilities and for Olivia as well.
Numbers 34-36
Thu 6 Continue to pray for the students in our Inter-Cultural Studies program who are learning to think and speak in Spanish. Ask God to lead them as they prepare to serve the Lord in a Spanish-speaking area of the world.
Deuteronomy 1-2
Fri 7 Radio Esperanza’s programs and other outreaches are taking the Gospel to thousands of listeners in our immediate area and around the world via the internet. Lift up in prayer the staff, volunteers, and student workers in this important ministry.
Deuteronomy 3-4
Sat 8 Larry and Tammy Allred (MLS’98), in Mérida, Mexico, happily reported that they counted 54 decisions for Jesus as they ministered in various venues last summer. They also sent two mission teams from their church to Cuba. Praise God with them.
Deuteronomy 5-7
Sun 9 Irian and Sarah Hernandez, are part of our faculty. Irian teaches English in the bilingual program. Please remember them in prayer as they seek to prepare the students for future ministries.
Deuteronomy 8-10
Mon 10 Today through Wednesday is the Mid-Semester Break. Faculty and students will enjoy some free time before the Biblical Leadership Conference begins on Wednesday evening.
Deuteronomy 11-13
Tue 11 Luis (BC’22) and Amy Herrera joined our staff last year. Luis is the janitorial supervisor, and Amy serves in the daycare. Lift this couple up in prayer today as they serve others on the campus.
Deuteronomy 14-16
Wed 12 The Biblical Leadership Conference begins tonight and continues through Friday. Ask God to use this special time to help prepare our students for future ministries wherever He will lead them.
Deuteronomy 17-19
Thu 13 Greg and Shelli Neufeld (MLS’00) recently moved back to Alberta, Canada, from Mexico, to become Regional Coordinators for their mission. They encourage other missionaries who live and serve in that region. Pray for them as they adapt to their new ministry.
Deuteronomy 20-22
Fri 14 Last year, Miguel Hinojosa joined our staff as part of the maintenance department. Remember him in prayer as he is recovering from an injury. Thank the Lord for bringing him to serve here, and pray for good health in the future.
Deuteronomy 23-25
Sat 15 Pray for Jim (MLS’91) and Debbie Shoberg, who moved to Kansas City to be closer to the Avant office where Jim is Assistant to the VP of Personnel. They also continue as Ministry Director Couple for Western Europe, assisting missionaries there.
Deuteronomy 26-27
Sun 16 Bill and Tracy Coupe (ICS ‘05) serve with UIM in Arizona. Pray for their support to increase, for their Spanish Bible studies, and member care ministry to fellow workers in Canada, US, Mexico, and Cuba.
Deuteronomy 28-29
Mon 17 Lee Hoag (MLS’2010) serves in the mail room and in security on our campus. Thank the Lord for his involvement in these areas of the ministry at Rio Grande.
Deuteronomy 30-31
Tue 18 Pray today for the children who live on our campus as their parents serve on the staff or study in the Bible College or ICS. Many of them will become good friends as they play together and share common experiences.
Deuteronomy 32-34
Thu 20 Kay Jeske serves at Koinonia, our campus coffee shop, and also corresponds with those who send gifts in honor or in remembrance of friends or family. Please pray for Kay today.
Joshua 1-3
THU 20 Again we ask your prayers for our leaders and board members as they look to the Lord for His guidance in decision making. Many opportunities present themselves, and they need the assurance of God’s will in each matter.
Joshua 4-6
Fri 21 Pray for the various committees and groups who meet regularly throughout the school year. Ask the Lord to guide them as they consider important matters that will impact other staff members and/or students.
Joshua 7-9
Sat 22 Bob Kerr is a part-time faculty member at Rio Grande who lives at the Bibleville Conference Grounds, a few miles from the campus. Pray for him today as he carries out his responsibilities here and there.
Joshua 10-12
Sun 23 Thank the Lord for the ministries that our current students have in local churches in the Rio Grande Valley. Ask the Lord to continue to use them as they assist in various ways each Sunday.
Joshua 13-15
Mon 24 Randy Kizzia joined our staff several years ago. Although he now lives in another state, he continues to serve as a representative in the Ministerial Advancement Department. Please remember Randy and his wife, Evelyn, in prayer today.
Joshua 16-18
Tue 25 As the winter season draws to a close, thank the Lord for the many “Winter Texans” who came to our campus to become “Winter Volunteers” as well as those who lived at Bibleville. They accomplished much for the Lord during their time here.
Joshua 19-21
Wed 26 Pray today for Bob and Barb Kracht (both MLS’75) of our staff. Bob is an assistant to the president, on the faculty, and the managing editor of our magazine, while Barb serves in the financial area. Thank the Lord for their faithful service here for the past fifty years.
Joshua 22-24
Thu 27 Ask God to encourage our alumni who are serving in areas of the world where the Gospel has not reached many hearts and lives. Some may be facing opposition as they seek to share the Good News.
Judges 1-3
Fri 28 Pray today for Mark and Ruth Lans, who became part of our faculty several years ago. Ask the Lord to lead them and use them in the students’ lives as they honor Him.
Judges 4-6
Sat 29 Pease continue to pray for our students as they make plans for the summer. A number of them are looking to the Lord for assurance of His leading to specific areas of the world where they will share the Gospel.
Judges 7-8
Sun 30 Javier and Edina (Hernández, SB’77) Lara have served the Lord at Rio Grande for many years. Javier is on the faculty and also has a radio program on Radio Esperanza. Lift them up in prayer today.
Judges 9-10
Mon 31 Jared (MLS ’14) and Naldy (SB’14) Park minister at a camp and training center in Chile. They ask us to pray for those who have recently come to faith in Him through this ministry. The Parks have four children.
Judges 11-12