Prayer Calendar FEBRUARY 2024
SAT 1 Alan and Phyllis Brown will appreciate prayer today. Alan is on our faculty, teaching several courses. Pray for him and Phyllis as they interact with the students and become involved in their lives.
Exodus 27-28
SUN 2 Many of our students have had ministries in their home churches and are now missed by their congregations. Let’s pray for others to step into those places that need leadership as our students continue to prepare for future ministries.
Exodus 29-30
MON 3 Please pray for our students as they plan for the summer. Many opportunities will be available to them. Pray that God will lead each one to the people and places that He has planned for them.
Exodus 31-33
TUE 4 Odette Calleja is a busy lady: serving in the classroom, in the finance department, and as a DSO (Designated School Official). Please take her to the Lord in prayer today.
Exodus 34-35
WED 5 Larry and Ruth Windle (both ICS ’97) will appreciate your prayers as they lead this ministry. Many opportunities are presented to them. Ask God to give them daily direction and wisdom.
Exodus 36-38
THU 6 Chapel services are held each Tuesday and Thursday on campus. Pray that, as today’s speaker shares from God’s Word, the Lord will be exalted and those who attend will be encouraged in their walk with Jesus.
Exodus 39-40
FRI 7 Christian and Stefany Campos serve with Rio Grande Global in Colombia. While they encourage congregations to become involved in missions, Stefany is also completing her studies in the Bible College.
Leviticus 1-3
SAT 8 Please remember the students in prayer as they are involved in various week-end activities. Besides keeping up on homework, they may also be taking part in sports, doing their laundry, or preparing for services tomorrow.
Leviticus 4-5
SUN 9 Pray for students today as they serve in local churches. May the Lord use these opportunities to prepare them for future ministry around the world and to bless the members of the churches where they attend.
Leviticus 6-7
MON 10 Ann Cook volunteers in our accounting department. Thank the Lord for her assistance in this important area of the ministry, and pray for His blessing on her life.
Leviticus 8-10
TUE 11 Radio Esperanza continues to minister to thousands of listeners via our four frequencies (three FM and one AM). Pray for our radio staff, students, volunteers, and donors who make this possible. May many others come to Christ as a result!
Leviticus 11-12
WED 12 Let’s pray today for some of our alumni who are facing difficult situations on the mission field. Ask God to encourage them through His Word as they look to Him to work in people’s hearts and to supply their own needs.
Leviticus 13
THU 13 Roberto De la Rosa would appreciate your prayers today. He serves at the “front desk” answering the phone and greeting those who enter the Great Commission building. Ask God’s guidance in his life and blessing on his ministry here.
Leviticus 14
FRI 14 Let’s pray today for recent graduates who are waiting on the Lord to direct them to a specific ministry or to supply the financial support they will need. Ask our Father to give them peace as they look to Him for guidance.
Leviticus 15-16
SAT 15 Lynford and Sharon Regier (MLS’93), in Ecuador, ask prayer for the children who came to Christ last summer at DVBS, and for the adults who heard the Gospel. They also remind us to pray for the political situation in their adopted country.
Leviticus 17-18
SUN 16 Nieves Díaz (Rios, SB’74) is a faithful volunteer at Radio Esperanza. Ask God’s blessing on her life, her family, and her ministry at the radio station here on the campus.
Leviticus 19-20
MON 17 Remember those who were exposed to the Gospel last summer as our students fanned out around the world to share the Good News. As they recall what they heard about the Savior, let’s pray that many will allow the Holy Spirit to continue working in their hearts.
Leviticus 21-22
TUE 18 In the past year, Dave and Ruth Rogers (MLS’84), missionaries in Chile, had several opportunities to reach out in new directions. They ask us to pray for the results of a trip Dave and a co-worker took last fall to speak to a group in Mexico and for those to whom Ruth ministered at a women’s event in Chile.
Leviticus 23-24
WED 19 Pray today for Juan (BC’03) and Lupita (Martin, BC’21) Fernández, who joined our staff last year. From their home across the border in Mexico, Juan helps recruit new staff members, and both are involved in online classes.
Leviticus 25
THU 20 Again we ask your prayers for our leaders and board members as they look to the Lord for His guidance in decision making. Many opportunities present themselves, and they need the assurance of God’s will in each matter.
Leviticus 26-27
FRI 21 Cesar (BC ’22) and Marycarmen (BC’23) Garduňo will appreciate your prayers today. Cesar is the Missions Department Coordinator and on the faculty here at Rio Grande, with Marycarmen as his assistant. Pray for their three children also.
Numbers 1-2
SAT 22 Remember the children of our staff as they attend local schools. May the Lord help them to shine for Him as they rub shoulders with those who don’t know Him as Savior.
Numbers 3-4
SUN 23 Fernando (SB’89) and Isabel García continue to minister in Mexico, their homeland. They recently helped care for a relative during a serious illness, and they also share the Gospel in various venues. Please lift them up in prayer today.
Numbers 5-6
MON 24 Pray today for staff members Luis (SB’13) and Jada (Thomas, MLS’11; SB’16) Giménez and their family. Luis is on the faculty, leading the online studies area, while Jada is busy at home with their children.
Numbers 7-8
TUE 25 Once again we thank the Lord for bringing the Winter Volunteers to campus to assist our staff in many ways and to be godly examples for our students. Ask God’s blessing and good health for each one who is here now and for those who will yet arrive.
Numbers 9-11
WED 26 Bill and Sandi Graf will appreciate our prayers today as Bill does all manner of jobs in the maintenance area and Sandi keeps the home fires burning. Thank the Lord with us for their many years of faithful service at Rio Grande.
Numbers 12-14
THU 27 Pray today for Arturo and Sylvia (Valero, SB’67) Tome, and their unique ministries in Mexico. They often share Christ with people they meet on the street or in stores. Thank the Lord for those who have come to know Him as a result, and pray for Arturo and Sylvia as they continue to be in touch with new converts.
Numbers 15-16
FRI 28 Ray and Teresa Durkins and J.T. and Heather Greer are new staff members. The Durkins are on the faculty, and the Greers are heading up our twice-weekly Food Pantry. Please remember them in your prayers today.
Numbers 17-22