“The episode in Genesis 6:1-4 is quite difficult to interpret and has been the subject of much debate. Although there are various interpretations of this passage, historically two views have dominated the debate: (1) the angelic descent view and (2) the human seed line view.”
“The eternal God chose to become human, chose to be the servant of humans, and willingly gave His life for sin. To all who receive Him, to those who believe in His name, He gives the power to become children of God… “
A few years ago a devout Christian father confided to me, “I a’m sending my kids to secular university. After all, they ha’ve grown up in a Christian home, they hav’ve been in church all of their life, and they havey’ve gone to a Christian school. They are better prepared than most church people, so why waste their time in Bible College? … “
“El episodio de Génesis 6:1-4 es bastante difícil de interpretar y ha sido objeto de mucho debate. Aunque hay varias interpretaciones de este pasaje, históricamente dos puntos de vista han dominado el debate: (1) el punto de vista de la descendencia angélica y (2) el punto de vista de la línea de simiente humana … “
“Dios eterno eligió hacerse humano, eligió ser siervo de los humanos, y voluntariamente entregó Su vida por el pecado. A todos los que le reciben, a los que creen en su nombre, les da potestad de ser hechos hijos de Dios … “
“Voy a enviar a mis hijos a una universidad laica. Después de todo, han crecido en un hogar cristiano, han estado en la iglesia toda su vida, y han ido a una escuela cristiana … “