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The objective of the online biblical studies program is to provide the student with the necessary tools for the study and interpretation of the Bible, as well as the foundation for ministerial work in any part of the world.



The student can take his classes in any of the following options:

Synchronous Mode:

The courses are taken through live classes by Zoom where the student must connect to the internet and be present with his/her classmates at a specific time. The student interacts live with the teacher and classmates.

Asynchronous Mode:

Courses (subjects) are taken through classes with pre-recorded videos over a period of eight (8) weeks. There is no live interaction with teachers or classmates, so they are asynchronous classes. Assignments are submitted on a weekly basis. The student is free to complete assignments and watch videos according to his or her personal schedule, as long as the assignments are completed within the established week.

It is called modular since the courses are taken in the form of intensive 8-week modules, compressing the 16-week (semester) program to an 8-week (modular) one, without losing academic quality and maintaining the standards requested by the ABHE.

Study Plans

This program is designed so that the student can take 32 credit hours between subjects of Biblical and Theological Studies and subjects of Systematic Theology, adapting the courses to their convenience.

The student will be able to choose at their convenience the number of courses they wish to take during each eight-week module.

To graduate, the student must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 (According to the American academic scale of 4.0), in addition to completing their classes and Practical Ministry in their local church under the supervision of their pastor or leader. 


in Spanish

Prerequisite: having completed the 1-year certificate in Biblical Studies.All classes in the 1-year certificate count toward the 2-year certificate. The student will simply have to complete the additional classes of the second year.

The student will be able to choose at his convenience the number of courses he wishes to take during each eight-week module.

To graduate, the student must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 (According to the American academic scale of 4.0), in addition to completing their classes and Practical Ministry in their local church under the supervision of their pastor or leader. 


in Spanish

Prerequisite: having completed the 2-year certificate in Biblical Studies and/or 2-Year Associate in Biblical Studies.

The program is designed so that the student can carry out four emphases; Pastoral (men only), Christian Education, and Missions (for both). Along with the subjects, the student must complete the practical ministry supervised by the pastor or leader of the church where he or she attends.

This program is not complete in asynchronous modular mode, so the student will only be able to take the courses available in this format (they are those corresponding to the Two-Year Certificate program) and the rest of the courses needed to complete the program. must be done with the synchronous format. That is to say, in this case, the student will have a mixed modality to be able to complete all his credits.

It is advisable that the student be able to take the courses that are in the modular asynchronous modality and as they progress, they will be able to take those courses that are not yet in that modality, but will be in the future.

To graduate, the student must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 (According to the American academic scale of 4.0), as well as some internal SBRG requirements. 


in Spanish


The Christian Education emphasis equips Christian educators for local church and educational ministries. Christian Education students receive instruction and practical tools for organizing and directing the Christian Education ministry of a local church with attention to the characteristics, needs, and learning styles of diverse age groups. Special attention is given to prepare students to identify and train others to
serve Sunday school teachers and Christian Education workers in the local church and schools.


The Missions emphasis prepares missionaries and leaders to understand God’s redemptive purpose and work in today’s world and to involve believers in God’s great commission for the nations. Missions students receive instruction in understanding world religions, missions, cross-cultural communication, and coping with the stresses and challenges of ministering in a different culture. Special attention is given to evangelistic training as well as church planting classes that help to equip Missions students to serve in a variety of cultural and social contexts in conjunction with believers of the local church.


The Pastoral emphasis trains men to effective servant-leaders for the global church. Pastoral students receive instruction in correct and effective communication of God’s Word inside and outside the church. Special attention is given to cross-cultural and evangelistic training as well as church planting classes that help to equip Pastoral students to serve in a variety of cultural and social contexts in conjunction with believers of the local church.

Prerequisite: have an accredited bachelor’s degree from any university major.

To graduate, the student must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 (according to the American academic scale of 4.0), complete their classes and Practical Ministry in their local church, under the supervision of their pastor or leader.


in Spanish


Certificates – Associate – Bachelor’s Degree

  • Have accepted Christ as sufficient personal Savior.
  • Be baptized.
  • Have been a believer for at least one year.
  • Actively serve in any ministry.
  • Have completed junior high school or high school (for the Associate of Two Years and the Bachelor of Biblical Studies).
  • Proficient in Spanish grammar.

Master’s Degree

  • Have an accredited bachelor’s degree from any university.
  • Have accepted Christ as sufficient personal Savior.
  • Be baptized.
  • Have 1 year (or equivalent) of full-time ministry.
  • No transfer credits.


  • Complete the pre-application.
  • Complete the Online Application for Admission that will be sent to you via email, attaching all the required documentation in the same application.
  • Pay the admission fee of $30 USD when sending the application form.
  • Schedule and interview via Facebook/WhatsApp.
  • Wait for the response from the Admissions Committee as to whether or not your application has been accepted.


Certificates – Associates – Bachelor’s Degree

Admission Application Fee $30.00 USD

Cost per credit $75.00 USD

Example: If you enroll in a three-credit class, the cost of this course will be $225.00 USD for the entire semester. If you enroll in a two-credit class, the cost of this course will be $150 USD for the entire semester.

Master’s Degree

Admission Application Fee $30.00 USD

Cost per credit $95.00 USD


We invite you to apply to our scholarship support program to obtain discounts on the cost of credits per semester. (Once accepted as a student you will be sent an email with the link to apply for the scholarship, each semester has its deadline to complete the application).



Keith Swartzbaugh
Terry VanGorkom
Keith Heppner
Cuenta de Office 365
Ministerio Práctico
Ministerio Práctico
Luis Giménez
Miguel Bastias
Jonathan White
Programa de becas
Hugo Villegas
Biblioteca Logos
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